I started the Starbucks-Planner-Addiction last 2009. Since then, November has been my I’m-so-happy-I’m-gonna-die month ‘cause it’s the start of the sticker collection for a Starbucks Planner. Last November 2010, I collected 2 Starbucks Planner 2011. 1 for me, and 1 for my mom. I remember collecting each planner in just 2 weeks. I know… I know what you’re thinking. I’m not O.A. It was just my lucky month. Friends and random “amerikanos” gave me loads of stickers. :)) THANK YOU PEOPLE OF GOD! YOU GUYS DON’T KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM EVERY TIME I GOT A STICKER FOR FREE! :D :D :D
Moving forward, last November 20, 2011, I got my Starbucks Planner 2012. I collected it for 15 days only. As usual, I’m the happiest person in the world when I got my new planner. Congratulations to me! Cheers! \:D/
My Starbucks Planner 2012 - Cherry
It’s smaller and more handy than the last year’s.
inggit much